TESTEX Schopper Abrasion Tester TF228

The Schopper Abrasion Tester is a powerful tool for assessing the durability of automotive trim materials and textile fabrics under tension. Using a state-of-the-art rotary abrasion test, this machine delivers accurate and reliable data on abrasion resistance, helping manufacturers ensure their products can withstand even the harshest wear and tear.

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To conduct a friction or wear test, place the sample onto the abrasion block and apply a rotating action. The friction area should be 50 cm2. The Schopper Abrasion Tester is a useful tool for evaluating changes in sample appearance resulting from the test.

The friction head can be easily replaced to comply with various testing standards. Thanks to the high sensitivity of the balance bar, sample testing error is minimized. Additionally, a dedicated sample mounting rack is included for convenient sample placement.

Test Standards

  • DIN 53863.2
  • GME 60345
  • GMW 3283
  • VW/Audi Zentral – Norm PV 3907
  • PV 3908

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For more information on the Schopper Abrasion Tester TF228 or to request a quote, complete the contact form below, and one of our associates will reach out to you!

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